Karen Alexander Physiotherapists

Pre and Post Operative Care

Nearly 20% of patients discharged from the hospital after surgery or illness are readmitted within 30 days, often due to inadequate rehabilitation.

Stroke survivors who don’t receive targeted neurorehabilitation can lose 80% of their initial recovery potential within the first 3 months.

We offer tailored post-admission rehabilitation to help you regain strength, mobility, and independence. Whether you're recovering from an operation or need neurorehabilitation support, our physiotherapists are here to guide you every step of the way.

Our Approach to Post Admission Rehabilitation

At Karen Alexander Physiotherapists Inc., we take a holistic and patient-centered approach to help you achieve optimal recovery:

  • Thorough Initial Assessment: 
    • A detailed evaluation of your medical history, current limitations, and rehabilitation goals to develop a personalized treatment plan.
  • Pain and Swelling Management: 
    • Hands-on techniques to reduce inflammation and pain. 
    • Modalities like heat therapy, ice therapy, and electrical stimulation to support healing.
  • Exercise-Based Rehabilitation: 
    • Gradual strengthening exercises to rebuild muscles and endurance. 
    • Flexibility and mobility training to restore movement and prevent stiffness. 
    • Balance and coordination exercises to improve stability and confidence.
  • Neurological Rehabilitation: 
    • Focused techniques to retrain the nervous system for movement control. 
    • Gait training, posture correction, and functional retraining to regain independence.
  • Breathing and Cardiovascular Recovery: 
    • Exercises to improve lung capacity and cardiovascular endurance after hospitalization or illness.
  • Patient Education and Home Programs: 
    • Guidance on safe movements, self-management strategies, and home exercises to enhance your recovery between sessions.

Why Trust Us with Your Care?

We combine years of experience with the latest research in physiotherapy. But more importantly, we genuinely care about helping you feel better. Our team takes pride in creating a warm, welcoming environment where your comfort comes first

Ready to Start Feeling Better?

Don’t let pain write your story. Take the first step toward feeling like yourself again – get in touch with us today.

Find Us Here:

Phone: 011 803 2227

Email: info@kaphysioinc.co.za

Located at: Netcare Sunninghill Hospital, West Wing, Level -2, Suite 1, Sunninghill, Sandton, 2196

At Karen Alexander Physiotherapy, you’ll find more than just treatment – you’ll find a partner in your journey to better health.

Give us a call today or click the Whatsapp button below and we will be in touch.

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